April 19th, 2025........
High Quality "Primitives" Auction
Brighton, Michigan
Location: To be announced
Get ready for a rare opportunity to obtain fantastic offerings from a truly outstanding estate filled with premium Primitive and Antiques. This outstanding collection will be sold directly from the residence in which it currently sits in an old-fashioned, fast-paced "live" auction.
Here is what we can tell you now:
This estate's contents were purchased and maintained a private collection by a well-seasoned antiques aficionado of quality antiques. Most of the items were purchased on the East coast and moved to their current location over the last few decades.
With the owner's passing, the family has asked Americana Auction to handle the dispersal of this remarkable collection.
To accomplish this auction event Americana Auctions, in conjunction with our "Mill Pond" friends, is working to prepare some of the highest quality Antique and Primitives available today...With all to be sold to the highest bidder!
We have set the date: Saturday, April 19th, 2025 for this special 3-hour event. Please mark you calendars now as we work to bring you the listing and hundreds of photographs for your review.
Please be prepared to remove your purchases by end of sale. We encourage you to bring a loading assistant.
Additional Photos will begin posting March 1st, 2025
NOTE: Our auction calendar is filling faster than we anticipated! To add your estate or collection to our upcoming auction list please call us soon at: 517-243-9090!